E-Commerce From Red Bear

Most people are now aware that according to recent online shopping trends, the web is fast becoming the primary method of purchasing goods, or at the very least, of locating them. For that reason, if you haven't done so already, you should consider whether an e-commerce system (or online-shop) could benefit you. An online-shop works 24hours a day, 7 days a week for you. If you saw the statistics, you'd probably be quite surprised at the proportion of sales made in the middle of the night

  • 24/7 Sales Tool
  • Takes your product to the customer

An E-Commerce website from Red Bear is a feature packed selling tool which can make you money whilst you are fast asleep, and it's a must for most commodity based, and many service based businesses. The primary benefit with having Red Bear design your e-commerce website is that you pay only once and you can sell as many products as you wish. There are no ongoing fees - and that is not the case with many e-commerce providers.

  • No limits to products or throughput
  • No ongoing fees

If you run a business in the Milton Keynes, Northampton or Bedford area, you really should consider whether you have a product or service offering that might sell online. We can offer a very low-cost ecommerce website with a quality look.

E-Commerce Cost-Benefit

If you think e-commerce may be for you, we can help you be up and running within a few weeks with your own on-line shop. And the cost of all-inclusive e-commerce site? Probably less than £500. Have a thought about how much you would need to sell in order to generate that amount of profit. Once your shop has reached that level of sales, all further online purchases will generate pure, fresh profit.

  • Online and selling for under £600
  • All Inclusive Fee

Within certain constraints, we can design your site pretty much the way you want it to look, and the price quoted will include training on how to add products and manage the system. Host it with us afterwards, and we'll always be on-hand to answer your questions.

So if you need an e-commerce website designer in Milton Keynes, Northampton or Bedford, give Red Bear a call and let us help you earn money whilst you sleep.

  • On-line shop within weeks
  • Earn money whilst you sleep